Kornicska AL AION 4.6/4.7 Emu
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Kornicska AL AION 4.6/4.7 Emu

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setting up the server for bigginer

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1setting up the server for bigginer Empty setting up the server for bigginer Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:27 am


Could anyone teach me how to setup you this server??

I had install the MySQL, Navicat for MySQL, Java 7(32bit).
I manage to create the database in Navicat (al_server_gs, al_server_ls, al_server_cs) and import table from the SQL files.

when I come to run "build_gameserver.bat" or "build_loginserver.bat" or "build_chatserver.bat" some how they don't run properly.

which version of Java should be install? java7 or java8? 32bit or 64bit?

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